Miel, Charles Francis Manuel de prières et de cantiques à l'usage de l'Église épiscopale française du Saint Sauveur, Philadelphie

Shakespeare, William 1564-1616 Merchant of Venice: The Second (and Better Quarto, 1600. A Facsimile in Foto-lithography ... by Charles Praetorius; With Forewords by Frederick Furnivall

Charles, R H The Decalogue; Being the Warburton Lectures Delivered in Lincoln's Inn and Westminster Abbey, 1919-1

Smith, Charles Henry Stephen Decatur and the Suppression of Piracy in the Mediterranean: An Address at a Meeting of the C

Cameron, Charles Sea, Forest and Prairie: Being Stories of Life and Adventure in Canada Past and Present

Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge Alice's Adventures In Wonderland, By Lewis Carroll. With Illustr. By J. Tenniel

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Akers, Charles Edmond Report on the Rubber Industry of the Orient (including Ceylon, the Malay Peninsula, Java and Sumatra)

Sonnini de Manoncourt, Charles-Nicolas-Sigisbert Traité des asclépiades, particulièrement de l'asclépiade de Syrie: Précédé de quelques observations sur la culture du coton en France

O'Neill, Charles A Dictionary Of Dyeing And Calico Printing: Containing A Brief Account Of All The Substances And Processes In Use In The Arts Of Dyeing And Printing Textile Fabrics

Cox, John Charles Three Centuries of Derbyshire Annals: As Illustrated by the Records of the Quarter Sessions of the County of Derby, From Queen Elizabeth to Queen Victoria; Volume 2

De De Stoutz, Francis Crue Anne, Duc De Montmorency: Connétable Et Pair De France, Sous Les Rois Henri Ii, François II Et Charles IX

Buckland, Charles Edward Bengal Under the Lieutenant-governors; Being a Narrative of the Principal Events and Public Measures During Their Periods of Office, From 1854 to 1898; Volume 1

Heath, Charles Monmouthshire: Historical and Descriptive Accounts of the Ancient and Present State of Ragland Castle Including a Variety of Other Particulars ... Relating to That Ruin and It Neighborhood

Rollin, Charles The Ancient History Of The Egyptians, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Medes, Persians, Macedonians, The Selucidae In Syria & Parthians, Volumes 3-4

Darwin, Charles Robert L'origine Dell'uomo E La Scelta in Rapporto Col Sesso. Ia Tr. Ital. Col Consenso Dell'autore, Del Prof. M. Lessona

Ellet, Charles A Popular Exposition Of The Incorrectness Of The Tariffs Of Toll In Use On The Public Improvements Of The United States

MacGregor, Charles Metcalfe Narrative of a Journey Through the Province of Khorassan and On the N. W. Frontier of Afghanistan in 1875; Volume 2

Keith, Charles Penrose Chronicles of Pennsylvania From the English Revolution to the Peace of Aix-La-Chapelle, 1688-1748; Volume 1