Sappho nis Mytilenaeae Fragmenta: Specimen Operae in Omnibus Artis Graecorum Lyricae Reliquiis Excepto Pindaro Collocandae
Sappho nis Mytilenaeae Fragmenta: Specimen Operae in Omnibus Artis Graecorum Lyricae Reliquiis Excepto Pindaro Collocandae
Anacreon, Anacreon The Lyric Songs of the Greeks; the Extant Fragments of Sappho, Alcaeus, Anacreon, and the Minor Greek Monodists;
Anacreon, Anacreon The Lyric Songs of the Greeks; the Extant Fragments of Sappho, Alcaeus, Anacreon, and the Minor Greek Monodists;
Sappho's Oden griechisch und deutsch, mit erklärenden Anmerkungen.
Sappho's Oden griechisch und deutsch, mit erklärenden Anmerkungen.
Robinson, Mary Sappho and Phaon
Robinson, Mary Sappho and Phaon
Anonymous Lyriques Grees: Orphée, Anacréon, Sappho, Tyrtée, Stésichore, Solon, Alcée, Ibycus, Alemane, Bacchylide, Pindare, Théocrite, Bion, Moschus, Callimaque, Synésius, Anthologie
Anonymous Lyriques Grees: Orphée, Anacréon, Sappho, Tyrtée, Stésichore, Solon, Alcée, Ibycus, Alemane, Bacchylide, Pindare, Théocrite, Bion, Moschus, Callimaque, Synésius, Anthologie
Harman, Edward George Poems From Horace, Catullus and Sappho: And Other Pieces
Harman, Edward George Poems From Horace, Catullus and Sappho: And Other Pieces
Grillparzer, Franz Sämtliche Werke: Dritter und vierter Band: Gedichte, Die Ahnfrau, Sappho
Grillparzer, Franz Sämtliche Werke: Dritter und vierter Band: Gedichte, Die Ahnfrau, Sappho
Kannegießer, Karl Ludwig Anacreon und Sappho
Kannegießer, Karl Ludwig Anacreon und Sappho
Den tionde sånggudinnan, E-bok
Den tionde sånggudinnan, E-bok
Harte, Bret A Sappho of Green Springs: in large print
Harte, Bret A Sappho of Green Springs: in large print
Harman, Edward George Poems From Horace, Catullus and Sappho: And Other Pieces
Harman, Edward George Poems From Horace, Catullus and Sappho: And Other Pieces
Schwartz, Selby Wynn After Sappho
Schwartz, Selby Wynn After Sappho
Carman, Bliss Sappho: One Hundred Lyrics
Carman, Bliss Sappho: One Hundred Lyrics
Harte, Bret A Sappho of Green Springs
Harte, Bret A Sappho of Green Springs
Harte, Bret A Sappho of Green Springs: in large print
Harte, Bret A Sappho of Green Springs: in large print
Seymour, Clara Hitchcock Masterpieces of Greek Literature; Homer: Tyrtaeus: Archilochus: Callistratus: Alcaeus: Sappho: Anacreon: Pindar: Aeschylus: Sophocles: Euripides ... Lucian, With Biographical Sketches And...
Seymour, Clara Hitchcock Masterpieces of Greek Literature; Homer: Tyrtaeus: Archilochus: Callistratus: Alcaeus: Sappho: Anacreon: Pindar: Aeschylus: Sophocles: Euripides ... Lucian, With Biographical Sketches And...
Kannegießer, Karl Ludwig Anacreon und Sappho
Kannegießer, Karl Ludwig Anacreon und Sappho
Sappho, Sappho La chaste Sappho de Lesbos et Stesichore, dont la concurrence et les prétentions lui inspirèrent l'Ode 2. Les trois dernières strophes, manquant à ce ... de deux fragments dont voici le plus mutil
Sappho, Sappho La chaste Sappho de Lesbos et Stesichore, dont la concurrence et les prétentions lui inspirèrent l'Ode 2. Les trois dernières strophes, manquant à ce ... de deux fragments dont voici le plus mutil
Anonymous A Complete Edition of the Poets of Great Britain..: Cook's Hesiod. Fawke's Theocritus. Anacreon. Bion. Moschus. Sappho. Musaeus & Apollonius Rhodius. ... Creech's Lucretius and Grainger's Tibullus
Anonymous A Complete Edition of the Poets of Great Britain..: Cook's Hesiod. Fawke's Theocritus. Anacreon. Bion. Moschus. Sappho. Musaeus & Apollonius Rhodius. ... Creech's Lucretius and Grainger's Tibullus
Daudet, Alphonse Sappho: A Play in Five Acts
Daudet, Alphonse Sappho: A Play in Five Acts
Sappho, Sappho