Soliman, Atef Shafik Reaction of F3 Lines of the Cross Wichita 5 x Chinese and Aegilops Umbellulata to Several Races of Leaf Rust
Soliman, Atef Shafik Reaction of F3 Lines of the Cross Wichita 5 x Chinese and Aegilops Umbellulata to Several Races of Leaf Rust
Mohamed Shafik, Hesham Algas para biocombustíveis: Microalgas para Biodiesel
Mohamed Shafik, Hesham Algas para biocombustíveis: Microalgas para Biodiesel
Mohamed Shafik, Hesham Algen für Biokraftstoffe: Mikroalgen für Biodiesel
Mohamed Shafik, Hesham Algen für Biokraftstoffe: Mikroalgen für Biodiesel