Shepperson, Wilbur S British Emigration to North America: Projects and Opinions in the Early Victorian Period

Salisbury, Wilbur S Salisbury's Great Pantaloons System, Devoted to the Æsthetics of Pantaloons Cutting, &c. ... With Complete Instructions on the Most Approved Methods of Making up the Same ..

Lire avec Oxford : collection de 12 livres Winnie et Wilbur, niveaux 5 et 6 (5 à 6 ans) (rangement, Winnie !, c'est l'heure du thé Winnie !, Winnie s'habille, Winnie's Outdoor Fun et plus encore)

Peck, George Wilbur American Wit And Humor: Choice Selections From The Boundless Humor Of America's Favorite Humorists, George W. Peck, Bill Nye, M. Quad