Greene, Samuel Stillman 1810-1883 A Treatise on the Structure of the English Language, or, The Analysis and Classification of Sentences and Their Component Parts: With Illustrations and Exercises Adapted to the Use of Schools
Greene, Samuel Stillman 1810-1883 A Treatise on the Structure of the English Language, or, The Analysis and Classification of Sentences and Their Component Parts: With Illustrations and Exercises Adapted to the Use of Schools
Wagner, Richard 1813-1883 Correspondence of Wagner and Liszt; 1
Wagner, Richard 1813-1883 Correspondence of Wagner and Liszt; 1
Hoos, Sidney Samuel Statistical Analysis of the Annual Average F.o.b. Prices of Canned Clingstone Peaches, 1924-25 to 1947-48; No. 93
Hoos, Sidney Samuel Statistical Analysis of the Annual Average F.o.b. Prices of Canned Clingstone Peaches, 1924-25 to 1947-48; No. 93
Wagner, Richard 1813-1883 Richard Wagner's Letters to August Roeckel;
Wagner, Richard 1813-1883 Richard Wagner's Letters to August Roeckel;
1813-1883, Wagner Richard Richard Wagner à Mathilde Wesendonk: Journal et lettres, 1853-1871; Volume 2
1813-1883, Wagner Richard Richard Wagner à Mathilde Wesendonk: Journal et lettres, 1853-1871; Volume 2
Wagner, Richard 1813-1883 Wagner's Nibelungen Ring: Done Into English Verse; v.2
Wagner, Richard 1813-1883 Wagner's Nibelungen Ring: Done Into English Verse; v.2
Hoos, Sidney Samuel 1911- Lemons and Lemon Products: Changing Economic Relationships, 1951-52; B0729
Hoos, Sidney Samuel 1911- Lemons and Lemon Products: Changing Economic Relationships, 1951-52; B0729
Birch, Samuel 1813-1885 Inscriptions in the Hieratic and Demotic Character: From the Collections of the British Museum.
Birch, Samuel 1813-1885 Inscriptions in the Hieratic and Demotic Character: From the Collections of the British Museum.
Hoos, Sidney Samuel 1911- Statistical Supplement to Agricultural Experiment Station Circular 373: California Asparagus, Economic Status; C373 sup 1947
Hoos, Sidney Samuel 1911- Statistical Supplement to Agricultural Experiment Station Circular 373: California Asparagus, Economic Status; C373 sup 1947
Hoos, Sidney Samuel Statistical Analysis of the Annual Average F.o.b. Prices of Pacific Coast Canned Pears, 1926-27 to 1951-52; No. 135
Hoos, Sidney Samuel Statistical Analysis of the Annual Average F.o.b. Prices of Pacific Coast Canned Pears, 1926-27 to 1951-52; No. 135
Eck, Samuel 1813 Festrede zur Jahrhunderterfeier der Stadt und der Universität Gießen gehalten am 1. Juni 1913
Eck, Samuel 1813 Festrede zur Jahrhunderterfeier der Stadt und der Universität Gießen gehalten am 1. Juni 1913
Elämäni, E-bok
Elämäni, E-bok
Chapman, Samuel Hudson Catalogue of the Collection of Foreign and American Coins and Medals of Mr. Louis F. Lindsay. Dec 7 and 8, 1883
Chapman, Samuel Hudson Catalogue of the Collection of Foreign and American Coins and Medals of Mr. Louis F. Lindsay. Dec 7 and 8, 1883
Dawson, Samuel Edward 1833-1916 Memorandum Concerning the Seigniory of Terra Firma of Mingan [microform]: With Special Reference to a Report by Mr. Deputy Surveyor Bouchette Upon the Said Seigniory, by S.E. Dawson, February, 1883
Dawson, Samuel Edward 1833-1916 Memorandum Concerning the Seigniory of Terra Firma of Mingan [microform]: With Special Reference to a Report by Mr. Deputy Surveyor Bouchette Upon the Said Seigniory, by S.E. Dawson, February, 1883
Hoos, Sidney Samuel California Agricultural Marketing Programs--: Handbook of Commodity Program Specifications; No. 200
Hoos, Sidney Samuel California Agricultural Marketing Programs--: Handbook of Commodity Program Specifications; No. 200
Sidney, Samuel Gallops and Gossips in the Bush of Australia
Sidney, Samuel Gallops and Gossips in the Bush of Australia
Veuillot, Louis 1813-1883 The Liberal Illusion
Veuillot, Louis 1813-1883 The Liberal Illusion
1813-1883, Wagner Richard Richard Wagner à Mathilde Wesendonk: Journal et lettres, 1853-1871; Volume 2
1813-1883, Wagner Richard Richard Wagner à Mathilde Wesendonk: Journal et lettres, 1853-1871; Volume 2
1813-1883, Wagner Richard Eine Pilgerfahrt Zu Beethoven
1813-1883, Wagner Richard Eine Pilgerfahrt Zu Beethoven
Sidney, Samuel Railways and Agriculture in North Lincolnshire
Sidney, Samuel Railways and Agriculture in North Lincolnshire
1813-1883, Wagner Richard Parsifal, A Stage-consecrating Festival-play. English Translation By Margareth Glyn. Complete Vocal Score In A Facilitated Arrangement By Karl Klindworth
1813-1883, Wagner Richard Parsifal, A Stage-consecrating Festival-play. English Translation By Margareth Glyn. Complete Vocal Score In A Facilitated Arrangement By Karl Klindworth
Atwater, Lyman Hotchkiss 1813-1883 The Life and Character of Nathaniel Hewit, D.D.: a Discourse Preached at His Funeral, in the Presbyterian Church, Bridgeport, Conn., February 6, 1867
Atwater, Lyman Hotchkiss 1813-1883 The Life and Character of Nathaniel Hewit, D.D.: a Discourse Preached at His Funeral, in the Presbyterian Church, Bridgeport, Conn., February 6, 1867
Wagner, Richard 1813-1883 Richard Wagner's Letters to His Dresden Friends: Theodor Uhlig, Wilhelm Fischer, and Ferdinand Heine
Wagner, Richard 1813-1883 Richard Wagner's Letters to His Dresden Friends: Theodor Uhlig, Wilhelm Fischer, and Ferdinand Heine
Sidney, Samuel 1813-1883 The Pig: How to Choose, Breed, Cut up, & Cure
Sidney, Samuel 1813-1883 The Pig: How to Choose, Breed, Cut up, & Cure
1813-1883, Wagner Richard Richard Wagner à Mathilde Wesendonk: Journal et lettres, 1853-1871; Volume 1
1813-1883, Wagner Richard Richard Wagner à Mathilde Wesendonk: Journal et lettres, 1853-1871; Volume 1
Hoos, Sidney Samuel The Economic Importance of the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Industries in California; No. 105
Hoos, Sidney Samuel The Economic Importance of the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Industries in California; No. 105
Wagner, Richard 1813-1883 The Dusk of the Gods: Music-drama in Three Acts and a Prelude = Götterdämmerung
Wagner, Richard 1813-1883 The Dusk of the Gods: Music-drama in Three Acts and a Prelude = Götterdämmerung
Scadding, Henry 1813-1901 The Astrolabes of Samuel Champlain and Geoffrey Chaucer: a Paper Read Before the Canadian Institute, Toronto, During the Session 1879-1880
Scadding, Henry 1813-1901 The Astrolabes of Samuel Champlain and Geoffrey Chaucer: a Paper Read Before the Canadian Institute, Toronto, During the Session 1879-1880
1813-1883, Wagner Richard Richard Wagner Über Tristan Und Isolde; Aussprüche Des Meisters Über Sein Werk, Aus Seinen Briefen Und Schrifter Zusammengestellt Und Mit Erläuternden Anmerkungen Versehen
1813-1883, Wagner Richard Richard Wagner Über Tristan Und Isolde; Aussprüche Des Meisters Über Sein Werk, Aus Seinen Briefen Und Schrifter Zusammengestellt Und Mit Erläuternden Anmerkungen Versehen
Sidney, Samuel The Book of the Horse: Thorough-bred, Half-bred, Cart-bred, Saddle and Harness, British and Foreign, With Hints on Horsemanship; the Management of the ... for the Road, the Park, and the Field
Sidney, Samuel The Book of the Horse: Thorough-bred, Half-bred, Cart-bred, Saddle and Harness, British and Foreign, With Hints on Horsemanship; the Management of the ... for the Road, the Park, and the Field
Chapman, Samuel Hudson Catalogue of the Collection of Foreign and American Coins and Medals of Mr. Louis F. Lindsay. Dec 7 and 8, 1883
Chapman, Samuel Hudson Catalogue of the Collection of Foreign and American Coins and Medals of Mr. Louis F. Lindsay. Dec 7 and 8, 1883
1813-1883, Wagner Richard Lettres De Richard Wagner À Auguste Reckel
1813-1883, Wagner Richard Lettres De Richard Wagner À Auguste Reckel
Glover, Townend 1813-1883 Townend Glover, Dept. Ag., Washington: [Lepidoptera] : Notebooks, 1869-1883; v.2
Glover, Townend 1813-1883 Townend Glover, Dept. Ag., Washington: [Lepidoptera] : Notebooks, 1869-1883; v.2
Sidney, Samuel 1813-1883