Simonovich, Nikolaj The Psychology of Bullying and Mobbing: The textbook is devoted to the study of the problems of bullying and mobbing in schools and labor collectives
Simonovich, Nikolaj The Psychology of Bullying and Mobbing: The textbook is devoted to the study of the problems of bullying and mobbing in schools and labor collectives
Simonovich, Nikolaj Psicologia do comportamento em situações extremas e de emergência: Para a vida quotidiana
Simonovich, Nikolaj Psicologia do comportamento em situações extremas e de emergência: Para a vida quotidiana
Simonovich, Nikolaj Professional profiling: A book for life
Simonovich, Nikolaj Professional profiling: A book for life
Simonovich, Nikolaj Psychologie des Verhaltens in Extrem- und Notsituationen: Für das tägliche Leben
Simonovich, Nikolaj Psychologie des Verhaltens in Extrem- und Notsituationen: Für das tägliche Leben
Simonovich, Nikolaj