Johnson, Frederick Charles Rev. Jacob Johnson, M.A., Pioneer Preacher of Wyoming Valley ( Wilkes-Barre, Pa.), 1772-1790..

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Skinner, Allan Maclean A Few Memorials of the Right Rev. Robert Skinner [By A.M. Skinner] With Notices of Some of His Descendants and Other Members of His Family, Also a Sermon and Visitation Speech Still Extant
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Turner, Henry McNeal 1834-1915 Memorial Services. Tribute to the Hon. Charles Sumner, Held in St. Phillip's [!] A.M.E. Church, Savannah, Georgia

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Favart, Charles-Simon La Belle Arsene, Comedie En 4 Actes, Melee D'ariettes La Musique De M. De Monsigny...

1834-, Blanchot Charles Mémoires; l'intervention française au Mexique. Préf. par M. le comte de Moüy; Volume 3

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Favart, Charles-Simon La Belle Arsene, Comedie En 4 Actes, Melee D'ariettes La Musique De M. De Monsigny...

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Darwin, Charles Robert L'origine Dell'uomo E La Scelta in Rapporto Col Sesso. Ia Tr. Ital. Col Consenso Dell'autore, Del Prof. M. Lessona

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Whitehead, John The Life of the Rev. John Wesley ...: Collected From His Private Papers and Printed Works; and Written at the Request of His Executors. to Which Is ... Life of the Rev. Charles Wesley, M.a. Collec

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