Piro, Giuseppe Maria Squarci Di Storia E Ragionamenti Sull' Isola Di Malta, in Confutazione ... Dell' Opera Inglese Intitolata Turkey, Greece, and Malta by Adolphus Slade, Scritti Da Un Maltese [G.M. De Piro].
Piro, Giuseppe Maria Squarci Di Storia E Ragionamenti Sull' Isola Di Malta, in Confutazione ... Dell' Opera Inglese Intitolata Turkey, Greece, and Malta by Adolphus Slade, Scritti Da Un Maltese [G.M. De Piro].
Slade, Adolphus Turkey and the Crimean War: A Narrative of Historical Events
Slade, Adolphus Turkey and the Crimean War: A Narrative of Historical Events
Slade, Adolphus Records of Travels in Turkey, Greece, &c., and of a Cruise in the Black Sea: With the Capitan Pasha, in the Years 1829, 1830, and 1831
Slade, Adolphus Records of Travels in Turkey, Greece, &c., and of a Cruise in the Black Sea: With the Capitan Pasha, in the Years 1829, 1830, and 1831
Slade, Adolphus