Hughes, Sally Smith Molecular Geneticist at UCSF and Genentech, Entrepreneur in Biotechnology: Oral History Transcript / 200
Smith, Hugh M Japanese Goldfish, Their Varieties and Cultivation; a Practical Guide to the Japanese Methods
Hughes, Sally Smith Co-founder, CEO, and Chairman of Genentech, Inc., 1976-1996: Oral History Transcript / 200
Smith, Thaddeus Point Au Pelee Island, a Historical Sketch of and an Account of the McCormick Family, Who Were the First White Owners on the Island.
Hughes, Sally Smith DuPont Guerry III, MD: Ophthalmologist, Richmond, Virginia and the Medical College of Virginia : Oral History Transcript / 1989-1990
Hughes, Sally Smith A Stanford Professor's Career in Biochemistry, Science Politics, and the Biotechnology Industry: Oral History Transcript / 200
Smith, George Hugh A Critical History of Modern English Jurisprudence: A Study in Logic, Politics, and Morality
Smith, Hugh M Japanese Goldfish, Their Varieties and Cultivation; a Practical Guide to the Japanese Methods