Sophocles, Evangelinus A. A Greek Grammar
Sophocles, Evangelinus A. A Greek Grammar
Sophocles The Genius Of The Greek Drama: Three Plays, Being The Agamemnon Of Aeschylus, The Antigone Of , & The Medea Of Euripides, Rendered And Adapted With An Introduction
Sophocles The Genius Of The Greek Drama: Three Plays, Being The Agamemnon Of Aeschylus, The Antigone Of , & The Medea Of Euripides, Rendered And Adapted With An Introduction
The Antigone Of Sophocles
The Antigone Of Sophocles
Davis, Michael Electras: Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides
Davis, Michael Electras: Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides
Jebb, Richard Claverhouse The Electra of Sophocles: With a Commentary, Abridged From the Larger Edition of Sir Richard C. Jebb
Jebb, Richard Claverhouse The Electra of Sophocles: With a Commentary, Abridged From the Larger Edition of Sir Richard C. Jebb
Sophocles The Antigone
Sophocles The Antigone
Lisle, Leconte de Sophocle
Lisle, Leconte de Sophocle
Campbell, Lewis Tragic Drama in Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Shakespeare;
Campbell, Lewis Tragic Drama in Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Shakespeare;
Sophocle Réussir son Bac de français 2023 : Analyse de la pièce Antigone de
Sophocle Réussir son Bac de français 2023 : Analyse de la pièce Antigone de
Sophocles, the Dramatist
Sophocles, the Dramatist
Sophocles; Volume 1
Sophocles; Volume 1
Campbell, Lewis Paralipomena Sophoclea: Supplementary Notes On the Text and Interpretation of Sophocles
Campbell, Lewis Paralipomena Sophoclea: Supplementary Notes On the Text and Interpretation of Sophocles
Collins, Clifton W. Sophocles
Collins, Clifton W. Sophocles
Woolsey, Theodore D. The Electra of Sophocles: With Notes, for the Use of Colleges in the United States
Woolsey, Theodore D. The Electra of Sophocles: With Notes, for the Use of Colleges in the United States
Sophocles The Trachiniae
Sophocles The Trachiniae
Sophocles Oedipus Trilogy
Sophocles Oedipus Trilogy
The Antigone Of Sophocles
The Antigone Of Sophocles
Rampazzo Czadotz, Regina Celia Du mythe à la raison: une analyse de la trilogie thébaine de Sophocle
Rampazzo Czadotz, Regina Celia Du mythe à la raison: une analyse de la trilogie thébaine de Sophocle
Jebb, Richard Claverhouse Sophocles: The Plays and Fragments; Volume 5
Jebb, Richard Claverhouse Sophocles: The Plays and Fragments; Volume 5
Sophocles, Sophocles The Ichneutae of Sophocles, With Notes and a Translation Into English, Preceded by Introductory Chapters Dealing With the Play, With Satyric Drama, and With Various Cognate Matters
Sophocles, Sophocles The Ichneutae of Sophocles, With Notes and a Translation Into English, Preceded by Introductory Chapters Dealing With the Play, With Satyric Drama, and With Various Cognate Matters
Campbell, Lewis 1830-1908 Sophocles: the Seven Plays in English Verse
Campbell, Lewis 1830-1908 Sophocles: the Seven Plays in English Verse
Sophocles The Ajax of : With Engl. Notes, by J.R. Pitman
Sophocles The Ajax of : With Engl. Notes, by J.R. Pitman
The Electra of Sophocles
The Electra of Sophocles
Sophocles, Evangelinus Apostolides History of the Greek Alphabet and Pronunciation
Sophocles, Evangelinus Apostolides History of the Greek Alphabet and Pronunciation
Sophocles The Philoctetes of , With Engl. Notes, Tr. From the Germ. of F.W. Schneidewin, by R.B. Paul. Ed. by T.K. Arnold
Sophocles The Philoctetes of , With Engl. Notes, Tr. From the Germ. of F.W. Schneidewin, by R.B. Paul. Ed. by T.K. Arnold
Sophocles, Evangelinus Apostolides A Romaic Grammar Accompanied by a Chrestomathy With a Vocabulary
Sophocles, Evangelinus Apostolides A Romaic Grammar Accompanied by a Chrestomathy With a Vocabulary
Lewis Campbell, Evelyn Abbott Sophoc... Sophocles in Single Plays: For the Use of Schools
Lewis Campbell, Evelyn Abbott Sophoc... Sophocles in Single Plays: For the Use of Schools
Jebb, Richard Claverhouse Sophocles: The Plays and Fragments, Part 3
Jebb, Richard Claverhouse Sophocles: The Plays and Fragments, Part 3
King Oedipus: The Oedipus Tyrannus Of Sophocles
King Oedipus: The Oedipus Tyrannus Of Sophocles
Sophocles The Plays of
Sophocles The Plays of
Sophocles The Oedipus Rex of : Chiefly According to the Text of Brunck ; with Critical, Philological, and Explanatory Notes, Illustrations of Peculiar Idioms, and Examination Questions
Sophocles The Oedipus Rex of : Chiefly According to the Text of Brunck ; with Critical, Philological, and Explanatory Notes, Illustrations of Peculiar Idioms, and Examination Questions
Storr, Francis Sophocles
Storr, Francis Sophocles
Morshead, Edmund Doidge Anderson The Ajax of Sophocles
Morshead, Edmund Doidge Anderson The Ajax of Sophocles
Sophocles, Dramatist & Philosopher; Three Lectures Delivered at King's College, Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Sophocles, Dramatist & Philosopher; Three Lectures Delivered at King's College, Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Sophocles Philoctetes
Sophocles Philoctetes
Trachiniae Of Sophocles
Trachiniae Of Sophocles
Paine, John Knowles Oedipus Tyrannus of Sophocles: Composed for Male Chorus and Orchestra. Op. 35
Paine, John Knowles Oedipus Tyrannus of Sophocles: Composed for Male Chorus and Orchestra. Op. 35
Patin, Henri-Joseph-Guillaume Etudes Sur Les Tragiques Grecs Ou Examen Critique D'eschyle, De Sophocle Et D'euripide, Précédé D'une Histoire Générale De La Tragédie Grecque, Volume 3...
Patin, Henri-Joseph-Guillaume Etudes Sur Les Tragiques Grecs Ou Examen Critique D'eschyle, De Sophocle Et D'euripide, Précédé D'une Histoire Générale De La Tragédie Grecque, Volume 3...
Cocteau, Jean La danse de Sophocle; poèmes
Cocteau, Jean La danse de Sophocle; poèmes
Plumptre, Edward Hayes The Tragedies of Sophocles: A New Translation, With a Biographical Essay, and an Appendix of Rhymed Choral Odes and Lyrical Dialogues
Plumptre, Edward Hayes The Tragedies of Sophocles: A New Translation, With a Biographical Essay, and an Appendix of Rhymed Choral Odes and Lyrical Dialogues
Sophocles The Antigone of
Sophocles The Antigone of
Aeschylus, Euripides Sophocles Griechische Tragoedien
Aeschylus, Euripides Sophocles Griechische Tragoedien
Sophocles and the Greek Tragic Tradition[ SOPHOCLES AND THE GREEK TRAGIC TRADITION ] By Goldhill, Simon ( Author )Mar-01-2009 Hardcover
Sophocles and the Greek Tragic Tradition[ SOPHOCLES AND THE GREEK TRAGIC TRADITION ] By Goldhill, Simon ( Author )Mar-01-2009 Hardcover
The King Oedipus Of Sophocles: Literally Translated Into English Prose
The King Oedipus Of Sophocles: Literally Translated Into English Prose
Sophocles Gtrahíniai. the Trachiniæ of , With Short Engl. Notes for the Use of Schools
Sophocles Gtrahíniai. the Trachiniæ of , With Short Engl. Notes for the Use of Schools
Sophocles Philoctetes
Sophocles Philoctetes
Sophocles The Oedipus Rex of , From the Text of W. Dindorf. With Notes by W.B. Jones
Sophocles The Oedipus Rex of , From the Text of W. Dindorf. With Notes by W.B. Jones
Dipus Tyrannus, Electra, and Antigone of Sophocles
Dipus Tyrannus, Electra, and Antigone of Sophocles
Sophocles Elektra
Sophocles Elektra
Crosby, Sophocles Howard The Oedipus Tyrannus of Sophocles
Crosby, Sophocles Howard The Oedipus Tyrannus of Sophocles
Sophocles Sophokles Aias: Deutsch in den Versmaassen des Originals mit einer Einleitung über Sinn und Geschichte der Aeakidenfabel und einem Anhang über zwey zum Aias gehörige Tragödien
Sophocles Sophokles Aias: Deutsch in den Versmaassen des Originals mit einer Einleitung über Sinn und Geschichte der Aeakidenfabel und einem Anhang über zwey zum Aias gehörige Tragödien
Dipus Tyrannus, Electra, and Antigone of Sophocles
Dipus Tyrannus, Electra, and Antigone of Sophocles
Sophocles The Electra of
Sophocles The Electra of
Sophocles Gtrahíniai. the Trachiniæ of , With Short Engl. Notes for the Use of Schools
Sophocles Gtrahíniai. the Trachiniæ of , With Short Engl. Notes for the Use of Schools
Sophocles The Antigone of
Sophocles The Antigone of
Ellendt, Friedrich Theodor A Lexicon to Sophocles, Principally Abridged and Tr. From Ellendt
Ellendt, Friedrich Theodor A Lexicon to Sophocles, Principally Abridged and Tr. From Ellendt
Plumptree, E. H. Sophocles; Tragedies and Fragments, With Notes Rhymed, Choral Odes and Lyrical Dialogues
Plumptree, E. H. Sophocles; Tragedies and Fragments, With Notes Rhymed, Choral Odes and Lyrical Dialogues
Sophocles, Evangelinus A. A Greek Grammar
Sophocles, Evangelinus A. A Greek Grammar
Sophocles The Philoctetes: With Explanatory Notes
Sophocles The Philoctetes: With Explanatory Notes
Campbell, Lewis Paralipomena Sophoclea: Supplementary Notes On the Text and Interpretation of Sophocles
Campbell, Lewis Paralipomena Sophoclea: Supplementary Notes On the Text and Interpretation of Sophocles
Sophocles . Antigone, ed. on the Basis of Wolff's ed. by M.L. D'Ooge
Sophocles . Antigone, ed. on the Basis of Wolff's ed. by M.L. D'Ooge
Sophocles The Oedipus Tyrannus
Sophocles The Oedipus Tyrannus
The Oedipus Rex of Sophocles
The Oedipus Rex of Sophocles
Seymour, Clara Hitchcock Masterpieces of Greek Literature; Homer: Tyrtaeus: Archilochus: Callistratus: Alcaeus: Sappho: Anacreon: Pindar: Aeschylus: Sophocles: Euripides ... Lucian, With Biographical Sketches And...
Seymour, Clara Hitchcock Masterpieces of Greek Literature; Homer: Tyrtaeus: Archilochus: Callistratus: Alcaeus: Sappho: Anacreon: Pindar: Aeschylus: Sophocles: Euripides ... Lucian, With Biographical Sketches And...
Sophocles Elektra
Sophocles Elektra
Sophocles Tragedies of . Translated Into English Prose by Sir Richard C. Jebb
Sophocles Tragedies of . Translated Into English Prose by Sir Richard C. Jebb
Sophocles Sophokles' Antigone: Griechisch Mit Anmerkungen Nebst Einer Entwicklung Des Grundgedanken Und Der Charaktere in Der Antigone
Sophocles Sophokles' Antigone: Griechisch Mit Anmerkungen Nebst Einer Entwicklung Des Grundgedanken Und Der Charaktere in Der Antigone
Sophocles The Dramas Of , Rendered In English Verse, Dramatic And Lyric By Sir George Young
Sophocles The Dramas Of , Rendered In English Verse, Dramatic And Lyric By Sir George Young
,Sophocles Plays of Sophocles
,Sophocles Plays of Sophocles
Sophocles Théâtre
Sophocles Théâtre
Jebb, Richard Claverhouse Sophocles: The Plays and Fragments; Volume 2
Jebb, Richard Claverhouse Sophocles: The Plays and Fragments; Volume 2
Sophocles Oedipus Tyrannus: With Notes Critical and Explanatory
Sophocles Oedipus Tyrannus: With Notes Critical and Explanatory
Paine, John Knowles Oedipus Tyrannus of Sophocles: Composed for Male Chorus and Orchestra. Op. 35
Paine, John Knowles Oedipus Tyrannus of Sophocles: Composed for Male Chorus and Orchestra. Op. 35
Sophocles Oedipus Trilogy
Sophocles Oedipus Trilogy
Sophocles ...Antigone
Sophocles ...Antigone
Sophocles The Tragedies of ; Volume I
Sophocles The Tragedies of ; Volume I
Becker Sophocles, Quemadmodum Sui Temporis Res Publicas Ad Describendam Heroicam Aetatem Adhibuerit: Diss. Inaug
Becker Sophocles, Quemadmodum Sui Temporis Res Publicas Ad Describendam Heroicam Aetatem Adhibuerit: Diss. Inaug
Sophocles ...Antigone
Sophocles ...Antigone
Sophocles, Sophocles