Crowell, John 1823-1890 The Colonial and Revolutionary History of Haverhill: A Centennial Oration : Delivered Before the City Government and the Citizens of Haverhill, July 4, 1876

Polidori, John William 1795-1821 Diary, 1816, Relating to Byron, Shelley, Etc. Edited and Elucidated by William Michael Rossetti

Jones, John Gale Substance Of A Speech, Delivered At The Ciceronian School, Globe Tavern, Fleet-street, Monday, 2 Mar. 1795, On The Following Question: "at This Awful ... Public Confidence, Mr. Pitt Or Mr. Fox?" By

Morgan, John A Worker, And Workers' Friend: P.p. Stewart, As Mechanic, Teacher, And Missionary, As Inventor, Educationist, Reformer, And Philanthropist : A Life Sketch

Nowland, John H B Sketches of Prominent Citizens of 1876: With a few of the Pioneers of the City and County who Have Passed Away

Canada's First City: Saint John; the Charter of 1785 and Common Council Proceedings Under Mayor G. G. Ludlow, 1785-1795

Murray, Sir John Report On Deep-sea Deposits Based On The Specimens Collected During The Voyage Of H. M. S. Challenger In The Years 1872 To 1876

Stewart, John W Lithologic Investigation of the Schroyer Limestone in Geary, Pottawatomie and Riley Counties, Kansas

Stewart, John Economie De L'écurie: Manuel Concernant Les Soins À Donner Aux Chevaux La Disposition Des Écuries, Les Attributions Des Grooms, La Nourriture, L'abreuvage Et Le Travail...

Anonymous The Treble Almanack ...: Containing: I. John Watson Stewart's Almanack. Ii. English Court Registry. Iii. Wilson's Dublin Directory

Kennedy, John Pendleton 1795-1870 Journals of the House of Burgesses of Virginia, 1619-1776; Volume 2

Leng, John America in 1876: Pencillings During a Tour in the Centennial Year: With a Chapter on the Aspects of American Life

Sprague, William Buell 1795-1876 Annals of the American Pulpit; or, Commemorative Notices of Distinguished American Clergymen of Various Denominations, From the Early Settlement of ... Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-five; Volume 9

Nix, James Ernest Mission Among the Buffalo: the Labours of the Reverends George M. and John C. McDougall in the Canadian Northwest, 1860-1876

Kennedy, John Pendleton 1795-1870 The Unique and Final Holograph Manuscript of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, Together With an Album of Other Manuscripts and Autographs

Nowland, John H B Sketches of Prominent Citizens of 1876: With a few of the Pioneers of the City and County who Have Passed Away

Adams Former, John Quincy Memoirs of John Quincy Adams: Comprising Portions of His Diary From 1795 to 1848; Volume 9

Stewart, John Lindsay The Forest Flora of North-West and Central India: A Handbook of the Indigenous Trees and Shrubs of Those Countries; Volume 1

Stewart, John The Moral State Of Nations: Or Travels Over The Most Interesting Part Of The Globe, To Discover The Source Of Moral Motion