1870-1954, Straus Oscar Le soldat de chocolat: Opérette en trois actes et quatre tableaux Ralph, Straus Robert Dodsley, Poet, Publisher & Playwright Josef Strau. Spirits and Objects ...and How Non-Productive Love Is Sometimes Contained in Them...: Ausst. Kat. Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Düsseldorf Henriques, Henry Straus Quixano The Law of Aliens and Naturalization: Including the Text of the Aliens Act, 1905 Straus, Oscar Solomon Roger Williams: The Pioneer of Religious Liberty Straus, Simon William History of the Thrift Movement in America 1870-1954, Straus Oscar Le soldat de chocolat: Opérette en trois actes et quatre tableaux Straus, Oscar S 1850-1926 Under Four Administrations, From Cleveland to Taft; Straus, Nathan Disease in Milk: The Remedy, Pasteurization Straus, Michael The New Testament, Second Edition: A 21st Century Translation Straus, Oscar Solomon The Origin of Republican Form of Government in the United States of America Straus, Oscar Solomon Roger Williams: The Pioneer of Religious Liberty The Philip G. Straus Collection; 1959