Susemihl, Franz De Aristotelis Politicorum Libris Primo Et Secundo Quaestiones Criticae Susemihl, Franz Prodromus platonischer Forschungen Susemihl, Franz Die Genetische Entwickelung der Platonischen Philosophie: Erster Theil Henniger, Monroe Richard 1901- Louis and Caroline Franz and Their Descendants, 1855-1965 / by Monroe R. Henniger. Susemihl, Franz 1826-1901 Ethica Nicomachea Weiser, Franz Xaver 1901- Religious Customs in the Family: the Radiation of the Liturgy Into Catholic Homes Roberts, Alexander 1826-1901 The Ante-Nicene Fathers. Translations of the Writings of the Fathers Down to A.D. 325.; Volume 5 Sök bara efter: Susemihl, Franz 1826-1901