Swent, Eleanor Managing Copper Mines in Chile: Braden, Codelco, Minerc, Pudahuel ; Developing Controlled Bacterial Leaching of Copper From Sulfide Ores : 1941-1993 : Oral History Transcript / 199
Swent, Eleanor Managing Copper Mines in Chile: Braden, Codelco, Minerc, Pudahuel ; Developing Controlled Bacterial Leaching of Copper From Sulfide Ores : 1941-1993 : Oral History Transcript / 199
Swent, Eleanor Herz Landing Uphill: Seven Years at San Luis
Swent, Eleanor Herz Landing Uphill: Seven Years at San Luis
Swent, Eleanor Junior Engineer to President, Director of Phelps Dodge, 1937 to 1983: Oral History Transcript / 199
Swent, Eleanor Junior Engineer to President, Director of Phelps Dodge, 1937 to 1983: Oral History Transcript / 199
Swent, Eleanor Geologist: Engineering and Mining Journal, Marshall Plan, Cyprus Mines Corporation, and Stanford University, 1922-1980 : Oral History Transcript / 1989
Swent, Eleanor Geologist: Engineering and Mining Journal, Marshall Plan, Cyprus Mines Corporation, and Stanford University, 1922-1980 : Oral History Transcript / 1989
Swent, Eleanor Owner of the Shot Mining Company, Manhattan Mercury Mine, 1965-1981: Oral History Transcript / 199
Swent, Eleanor Owner of the Shot Mining Company, Manhattan Mercury Mine, 1965-1981: Oral History Transcript / 199
Swent, Eleanor Herz