William, Taplin A Compendium Of Practical And Experimental Farriery
William, Taplin A Compendium Of Practical And Experimental Farriery
Taplin, William Taplin Improved; Or a Compendium of Farriery; Wherein Is Fully Explained the Nature and Structure of ... a Horse: With the Diseases and Accidents He Is Liable To; and the Methods of Cure, Etc
Taplin, William Taplin Improved; Or a Compendium of Farriery; Wherein Is Fully Explained the Nature and Structure of ... a Horse: With the Diseases and Accidents He Is Liable To; and the Methods of Cure, Etc
Taplin, William The Gentleman's Stable Directory, or, Modern System of Farriery
Taplin, William The Gentleman's Stable Directory, or, Modern System of Farriery
Taplin, William