Mill, John Stuart Memories of old Friends; Being Extracts From the Journals and Letters of Caroline Fox From 1835 to 1871, to Which are Added Fourteen Original Letters ... Published. Edited by Horace N. Pym; Volume 2
Mill, John Stuart Memories of old Friends; Being Extracts From the Journals and Letters of Caroline Fox From 1835 to 1871, to Which are Added Fourteen Original Letters ... Published. Edited by Horace N. Pym; Volume 2
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Payer, Julius Die Österreichisch-Ungarische Nordpol-Expedition in Den Jahren 1872-1874: Nebst Einer Skizze Der Zweiten Deutschen Nordpol-Expedition 1869-1870 Und Der Polar-Expedition Von 1871
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ART of John Sloan, 1871-1951: A Loan Exhibition and an Introductory Display of Paintings in the Hamlin Bequest to Bowdoin College
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Mill, John Stuart Correspondance Inédite Avec Gustave D'eichthal (1828-1842)-(1864-1871)
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Celebration of the Festival of St. John the Evangelist, by the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, at the Masonic Temple, Boston, Wednesday Evening, Dec. 27, 1871
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Thorne, John Julius 1871-