Truesdell, J. Six Weeks in Vegas Merrill, Elmer Truesdell Selected Letters of the Younger Pliny Truesdell, J. Yours Forever Truesdell, J. Fading Dawn Fritz, Richard C. Western Fever: The Life and Times of Gideon Truesdell Truesdell, Miller Florette Hadassah, the Star of the Persian Court Truesdell, J. Heart's Storm Kelly, Isabel Truesdell 1906- Southern Paiute Shamanism; 2 Truesdell, Stephen Riggs 1888-1952 The Rifle, Its Development for Big Game Hunting Merrill, Elmer Truesdell Fragments of Roman Satire From Ennius to Apuleius Merrill, Elmer Truesdell Selected Letters of the Younger Pliny Truesdell, Amy J. From Binghamton to the Battlefield: The Civil War Letters of Rollin B. Truesdell