Birks, Herbert Alfred The Life And Correspondence Of Thomas Valpy French: First Bishop Of Lahore; Volume 1 Valpy, Francis Edward J. The Etymology of the Words of the Greek Language Valpy, Edward Elegantiae Latinae, or Rules and Exercises Illustrative of Elegant Latin Style Valpy, Francis Edward J. The Etymology of the Words of the Greek Language Sångfågelns hemlighet, Ljudbok Valpy, Abraham John Scriptores Latini, Jussu Christianissimi Regis Ad Usum Serenissimi Delphini: Plautus, Titus Maccius Rue Cardinalen ompelijattaret, E-bok Sångfågelns hemlighet, E-bok Valpy, Abraham John 1787-1854 Whittaker's Improved Edition of Valpy's Gradus Ad Parnassum Rue Cardinalen ompelijattaret, Ljudbok French, Richard Valpy Lex Mosaica; or, The Law of Moses and the Higher Criticism