Vogdes, Anthony Wayne A Monograph on the Genera Zethus, Cybele, Encrinurus, and Cryptonymus
Vogdes, Anthony Wayne A Monograph on the Genera Zethus, Cybele, Encrinurus, and Cryptonymus
Vogdes, Anthony Wayne A Monograph on the Genera Zethus, Cybele, Encrinurus, and Cryptonymus
Vogdes, Anthony Wayne A Monograph on the Genera Zethus, Cybele, Encrinurus, and Cryptonymus
Vogdes, Anthony Wayne A Bibliography of Paleozoic Crustacea From 1698 to 1889, Including a List of North American Species and a Systematic Arrangement of Genera
Vogdes, Anthony Wayne A Bibliography of Paleozoic Crustacea From 1698 to 1889, Including a List of North American Species and a Systematic Arrangement of Genera
Anonymous American Biography: Anthony Wayne, by John Armstrong. Henry Hudson, by H. R. Cleveland. Pére Marquette, by John Sparks
Anonymous American Biography: Anthony Wayne, by John Armstrong. Henry Hudson, by H. R. Cleveland. Pére Marquette, by John Sparks
Wayne, Vogdes Anthony On the North American Species of the Genus Agnostus
Wayne, Vogdes Anthony On the North American Species of the Genus Agnostus
Boyer, Lieutenant A Journal of Wayne's Campaign. Being an Authentic Daily Record of the Most Important Occurrences During the Campaign of Major General Anthony Wayne, Against the Northwestern Indians;
Boyer, Lieutenant A Journal of Wayne's Campaign. Being an Authentic Daily Record of the Most Important Occurrences During the Campaign of Major General Anthony Wayne, Against the Northwestern Indians;
Vogdes, Anthony Wayne A Bibliography of Paleozoic Crustacea From 1698 to 1889, Including a List of North American Species and a Systematic Arrangement of Genera
Vogdes, Anthony Wayne A Bibliography of Paleozoic Crustacea From 1698 to 1889, Including a List of North American Species and a Systematic Arrangement of Genera
Wayne, Vogdes Anthony