Petherick, John Egypt, the Soudan and Central Africa: With Explorations From Khartoum On the White Nile, to the Regions of the Equator; Being Sketches From Sixteen Years' Travel

White, John Tahourdin The First Book of Homer's Odyssey: With a Vocabulary and Some Account of Greek Prosody

White, John Tahourdin The First Book of Homer's Odyssey: With a Vocabulary and Some Account of Greek Prosody

Godfrey, John Thomas The Homes and Haunts of Henry Kirk White; With Some Account of the Family of White, of Nottingham and Norfolk

Edgar, Stoll Elmer John Webster: The Periods of His Work as Determined by His Relations to the Drama of His Day

White, John Rural Architecture: A Series of Designs, for Ornamental Cottages and Villas, Exemplified in Plans, Elevations, Sections, and Details, With Descriptions

Webster, John White A Description of the Island of St. Michael: Comprising an Account of Its Geological Structure

Webster, Daniel A Discourse In Commemoration Of The Lives And Services Of John Adams And Thomas Jefferson, Delivered In Faneuil Hall, Boston, August 2, 1826, Volume 45, Issue 5

White, Daniel Appleton Eulogy on John Pickering, LL. D., President of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Foster, John Webster Groundwater Geology of Lee and Whiteside Counties, Illinois; Report of Investigations No. 194

White, Henry Kirke The Remains of Henry Kirke White ; of Nottingham, Late of St. John's College, Cambridge

White, John A Practical System of Mental Arithmetic: Or, a New and Infallible Method of Making Calculations by the Mere Action of a Thought. 1St Lond. Ed., Stereotyped

Foster, John Webster An Integrated Geophysical and Geological Investigation of Aquifers in Glacial Drift Near Champaign-Urbana, Illinois; Report of Investigations No. 155

Webster, John The Dramatic Works Of John Webster: The Devil's Law Case. Appius And Virginia. Monuments Of Honor. A Monumental Column. Odes

Godfrey, John Thomas The Homes and Haunts of Henry Kirk White; With Some Account of the Family of White, of Nottingham and Norfolk

Mulso, John The Letters to Gilbert White of Selborne From his Intimate Friend and Contemporary the Rev. John Mulso