Report of Sir Charles Tupper, G.C.M.G., C.B., Executive Commissioner, on the Canadian Section of the Colonial and Indian Exhibition at South Kensington, 1886 [microform]
Report of Sir Charles Tupper, G.C.M.G., C.B., Executive Commissioner, on the Canadian Section of the Colonial and Indian Exhibition at South Kensington, 1886 [microform]
Dienst, Charles Franklin 1886- History of the 353rd Infantry Regiment, 89th Division, National Army
Dienst, Charles Franklin 1886- History of the 353rd Infantry Regiment, 89th Division, National Army
Barron, James Proceedings of the General Court Martial Convened for the Trial of Commodore James Barron, Captain Charles Gordon, Mr. William Hook, and Captain John ... Chesapeake, in the Month of January, 1808
Barron, James Proceedings of the General Court Martial Convened for the Trial of Commodore James Barron, Captain Charles Gordon, Mr. William Hook, and Captain John ... Chesapeake, in the Month of January, 1808
Pritchard, Charles 1808-1893 Modern Physical Fatalism and the Doctrine of Evolution: Including an Examination of H. Spencer's First Principles
Pritchard, Charles 1808-1893 Modern Physical Fatalism and the Doctrine of Evolution: Including an Examination of H. Spencer's First Principles
Seltman, Charles Theodore 1886-1957 Approach to Greek Art
Seltman, Charles Theodore 1886-1957 Approach to Greek Art
Bree, Charles Robert 1811-1886 A History of the Birds of Europe, Not Observed in the British Isles; v.2 (1875)
Bree, Charles Robert 1811-1886 A History of the Birds of Europe, Not Observed in the British Isles; v.2 (1875)
Bree, Charles Robert 1811-1886 A History of the Birds of Europe, Not Observed in the British Isles; v.4 (1863)
Bree, Charles Robert 1811-1886 A History of the Birds of Europe, Not Observed in the British Isles; v.4 (1863)
Stewart, Charles The Contract Of Fire Insurance: Being The President's Inaugural Address For The Session, 1885-1886
Stewart, Charles The Contract Of Fire Insurance: Being The President's Inaugural Address For The Session, 1885-1886
Bigg, Charles 1840-1908 The Christian Platonists of Alexandria: Being the Bampton Lectures of the Year 1886
Bigg, Charles 1840-1908 The Christian Platonists of Alexandria: Being the Bampton Lectures of the Year 1886
Bree, Charles Robert 1811-1886 A History of the Birds of Europe, Not Observed in the British Isles; v.1 (1875)
Bree, Charles Robert 1811-1886 A History of the Birds of Europe, Not Observed in the British Isles; v.1 (1875)
Report of Sir Charles Tupper, G.C.M.G., C.B., Executive Commissioner, on the Canadian Section of the Colonial and Indian Exhibition at South Kensington, 1886 [microform]
Report of Sir Charles Tupper, G.C.M.G., C.B., Executive Commissioner, on the Canadian Section of the Colonial and Indian Exhibition at South Kensington, 1886 [microform]
Booth, Charles Condition And Occupations Of The People Of The Tower Hamlets, 1886-87, A Paper
Booth, Charles Condition And Occupations Of The People Of The Tower Hamlets, 1886-87, A Paper
Dallas, Robert Charles Recollections of the Life of Lord Byron From the Year 1808 to the End of 1814
Dallas, Robert Charles Recollections of the Life of Lord Byron From the Year 1808 to the End of 1814
Kennedy, Charles Rann 1808-1867 The Olynthiacs and the Philippics of Demosthenes. Literally Translated, With Notes by Charles Rann Kennedy
Kennedy, Charles Rann 1808-1867 The Olynthiacs and the Philippics of Demosthenes. Literally Translated, With Notes by Charles Rann Kennedy
Bree, Charles Robert 1811-1886 A History of the Birds of Europe, Not Observed in the British Isles; v.2 (1860)
Bree, Charles Robert 1811-1886 A History of the Birds of Europe, Not Observed in the British Isles; v.2 (1860)
Barron, James Proceedings of the General Court Martial Convened for the Trial of Commodore James Barron, Captain Charles Gordon, Mr. William Hook, and Captain John ... Chesapeake, in the Month of January, 1808
Barron, James Proceedings of the General Court Martial Convened for the Trial of Commodore James Barron, Captain Charles Gordon, Mr. William Hook, and Captain John ... Chesapeake, in the Month of January, 1808
Seltman, Charles Theodore 1886-1957 The Cambridge Ancient History: Volume of Plates I-V; plates 5
Seltman, Charles Theodore 1886-1957 The Cambridge Ancient History: Volume of Plates I-V; plates 5
Seltman, Charles Theodore 1886-1957 The Cambridge Ancient History: Volume of Plates I-V; plates 5
Seltman, Charles Theodore 1886-1957 The Cambridge Ancient History: Volume of Plates I-V; plates 5
Whittlesey, Charles Ancient Mining on the Shores of Lake Superior
Whittlesey, Charles Ancient Mining on the Shores of Lake Superior
Whittlesey, Charles 1808-1886 Ancient Mining on the Shores of Lake Superior; 1
Whittlesey, Charles 1808-1886 Ancient Mining on the Shores of Lake Superior; 1
Tomlinson, Charles 1808-1897 A Rudimentary Treatise on Warming and Ventilation [electronic Resource]: Being a Concise Exposition of the General Principles of the Art of Warming ... Buildings, Mines, Lighthouses, Ships, Etc
Tomlinson, Charles 1808-1897 A Rudimentary Treatise on Warming and Ventilation [electronic Resource]: Being a Concise Exposition of the General Principles of the Art of Warming ... Buildings, Mines, Lighthouses, Ships, Etc
Adams, Charles Francis 1807-1886 An Address on the Life, Character and Services of William Henry Seward: Delivered at the Request of Both Houses of the Legislature of New York, at Albany, April 18, 1873
Adams, Charles Francis 1807-1886 An Address on the Life, Character and Services of William Henry Seward: Delivered at the Request of Both Houses of the Legislature of New York, at Albany, April 18, 1873
Whittlesey, Charles Fugitive Essays, Upon Interesting and Useful Subjects, Relating to the Early History of Ohio: Its Geology And Agriculture, With a Biography of the ... the Antiquity of the Material Universe, And
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1817-1886, Jourdain Charles Sextus Empiricus Et La Philosophie Scholastique
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Whittlesey, Charles 1808-1886