Browne, Edward Harold Exposición Histórica Y Doctrinal, De Los Treinta Y Nueve Artículos De La Iglesia Anglicana, Tr. Por J.B. Cabrera
Greey, Edward 1835-1888 Blue Jackets, or, The Adventures of J. Thompson, A.B. Among "the Heathen Chinee": a Nautical Novel
J. K. Anderson, Edward Wilmot Blyden... Narrative of a Journey to Musardu, the Capital of the Western Mandingoes
Gillin, Edward J. An Empire of Magnetism: Global Science and the British Magnetic Enterprise in the Age of Imperialism
Purvis, John Edward The Chemical Examination of Water, Sewage, Foods, and Other Substances, by J. E. Purvis and T. R. Ho
Crooke, William 1848-1923 Observations on the Mussulmauns of India [microform]: Descriptive of Their Manners, Customs, Habits and Religious Opinions, Made During a Twelve Years' Residence in Their Immediate Society
Schlesinger, Max The War in Hungary, 1848-1849, Tr. by J.E. Taylor, Ed. With Notes and an Intr. by F. Pulszky
Price, John Edward A Guide to the Roman Villa Recently Discovered at Morton ... Isle of Wight, by J.E. and F.G.H. Price
Tchernoff, J Associations Et Sociétés Secrètes Sous La Deuxième République, 1848-1851: D'après Des Documents Inédits
Brown, Edward Osgood 1847-1923 Two Missionary Priests at Mackinac: a Lecture Delivered at the Village of Mackinac for the Benefit of St. Anne's Mission in August 1888 ; The Parish ... Before the Chicago Literary Club in March,...
Campbell, Thomas J. 1848-1925 The Jesuits, 1534-1921: A History of the Society of Jesus From its Foundation to the Present Time
Simmons, J Edward 1841-1910 The Higher Education a Public Duty. An Address Delivered at the Commencement of the College of the City of New York, June 21st, 1888
John Edward Bullard, Jewett The Genealogy of the Ball and Weston Families: With a Poem by Rev. J.E.B. Jewett
Cramer, J A. 1793-1848 A Geographical and Historical Description of Asia Minor: With a map; Volume 2
Feild, Edward 1801-1876 Journal of the Bishop [i.e. Edward Feild] of Newfoundland's Voyage of Visitation and Discovery, on the South and West Coasts of Newfoundland and on ... Ship "Hawk," in the Year 1848 [microform]
Lewis, J Penry 1854-1923 List of Inscriptions on Tombstones and Monuments in Ceylon, of Historical or Local Interest, With an Obituary of Persons Uncommemorated
Stillingfleet, Edward The Doctrines and Practices of the Church of Rome Truly Represented: In Answer to a Book [By J. Gother] Entitled 'a Papist Misrepresented and Represented'
Anonymous Original Letters, Written During the Reigns of Henry Vi., Edward Iv., and Richard Iii. [The Paston Letters]: Digested, With Notes, by J. Fenn
Wickson, Edward J. 1848-1923 The California Fruits and how to Grow Them. A Manual of Methods Which Have Yielded Greatest Success: With Lists of Varieties Best Adapted to the Different Districts of the State
Montizambert, Edward Lewis 1811-1882 A Lecture on the Mercantile Law of Lower Canada [microform]: Delivered Before the Mercantile Library Association of Montreal, on the 27th January, 1848