Wightman, William M Life of William Capers, D. D., one of the Bishops of the Methodist Episcopal Church South Wightman, William M. Life of William Capers Wightman, Richard Soul-spur Mrs. Wightman Of Shrewsbury: The Story Of A Pioneer In Temperance Work Wightman, Ida M. The Mayhew Manor of Tisbury: Address Prepared for the New York Branch of the Order of Colonial Lords of Manors in America Wightman, Chalmers Thomas The Production and Treatment of Vegetable Oils: Including Chapters on the Refining of Oils, the Hydrogenation of Oils, the Generation of Hydrogen, ... of Glycerine, and the Splitting of Oils Wightman, Richard Soul-spur Wightman, William M. Life of William Capers