Taplin, William The Sporting Dictionary and Rural Repository of General Information Upon Every Subject
Taplin, William The Sporting Dictionary and Rural Repository of General Information Upon Every Subject
Taplin, William Taplin Improved; Or a Compendium of Farriery; Wherein Is Fully Explained the Nature and Structure of ... a Horse: With the Diseases and Accidents He Is Liable To; and the Methods of Cure, Etc
Taplin, William Taplin Improved; Or a Compendium of Farriery; Wherein Is Fully Explained the Nature and Structure of ... a Horse: With the Diseases and Accidents He Is Liable To; and the Methods of Cure, Etc
Taplin, William The Gentleman's Stable Directory, or, Modern System of Farriery
Taplin, William The Gentleman's Stable Directory, or, Modern System of Farriery
William, Taplin