Fitzwilliam, Charles William Wentwort... Correspondence of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke: Between the Year 1744 and the Period of His Decease, in 1797; Volume 1
Williams, Herbert Description of the Mining Property of P.M. Partridge, Esq., of Quebec [microform]: Situated in the Township of Wolfestown, County of Wolfe, St. ... and Sketch From Sir W.E. Logan, F.R.S.,...
Edwards, Charles Reports Of Chancery Cases Decided In The First Circuit Of The State Of New York By The Hon. William T. Mccoun, Vice Chancellor
Heckethorn, Charles William The Secret Societies of all Ages and Countries: A Comprehensive Account of Upwards of one Hundred and Sixty Secret Organizations, Religious, ... Time ... and Other Mysterious Sects; Volume 1
Richard, Huggard William Davos As Health-resort; A Handbook Containing Contributions By A. F. Bill, M.d.; A. Brecke [and Others] And Introduction By W. R. Huggard. With 6 ... Colour Paintings And 44 Other Illustrations
Morfill, William Richard Ballads From Manuscripts: Pt. 1. a Poore Mans Pittance, by Richard Williams, Edited From the Autograph Ms. by F.J. Furnivall. Pt. 2. Ballads Relating ... and Notes to the Whole Volume, by W.R
Code, Charles F. 1910- Handbook of Physiology; a Critical, Comprehensive Presentation of Physiological Knowledge and Concepts: 1, sec. 2
Anonymous Minerals From Earth and Sky. Part I, The Story of Meteorites, by George P. Merrill ... Part II. Gems and Gem Minerals, by William F. Foshag ..; 3
Williams, Charles 1838-1904 The Armenian Campaign: a Diary of the Campaign of 1877, in Armenia and Koordistan
Horne, Charles F Große Männer und berühmte Frauen (Band 3) Eine Reihe von Feder- und Bleistiftskizzen über das Leben von mehr als 200 der bedeutendsten Persönlichkeiten der Geschichte
Pasley, Charles William Observations On Limes, Calcareous Cements, Mortars, Stuccos and Concrete, and On Puzzolanas, Natural and Artificial, Part 1
Evans, F W. 1808-1893 Ann Lee (the Founder of the Shakers), a Biography: With Memoirs of William Lee, James Whittaker, J. Hocknell, J. Meacham, and Lucy Wright: Also a ... Government and Doctrines of the Unite
Symmons, Charles The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare: Merchant of Venice. As You Like It. All's Well That Ends Well. Taming of the Shrew
Eliot, Charles William Addresses at the Inauguration of Daniel C. Gilman as President of the Johns Hopkins University
Chauncy, Charles 1705-1787 A Sermon Preached the 18th of July, 1745. Being a Day Set Apart for Solemn Thanksgiving to Almighty God, for the Reduction of Cape-Breton by His ... of the Honourable William Pepperrell, Esq. ..
Kent, Charles William The Book of the Poe Centenary: A Record of the Exercises at the University of Virginia, Jan. 16-19, 1909, in Commemoration of the One Hundredth Birthday of Edgar Allan Poe
Dawson, John William Life of Sir William E. Logan, KT., LL. D., F. R. S., F. G. S., First Director of the Geological Survey of Canada
Harrington, Bernard James Life of Sir William E. Logan, Kt., Ll.D., F.R.S., F.G.S., &c: First Director of the Geological Survey of Canada
Blunt, Charles F The Beauty of the Heavens: a Pictorial Display of the Astronomical Phenomena of the Universe : One Hundred and Four Coloured Scenes, Illustrating a Familiar Lecture on Astronomy
Horne, Charles F. Great Men and Famous Women (Volume 5) Une série de croquis à la plume et au crayon de la vie de plus de 200 des personnages les plus éminents de l'histoire
Heckethorn, Charles William The Secret Societies of all Ages and Countries A Comprehensive Account of Upwards of one Hundred A
Anonymous The Works of Henrik Ibsen: Brand, Translated by C. H. Herford. Peer Gynt; a Dramatic Poem, Translated by William and Charles Archer