Heroic Virtue: a Portion of the Treatise of Benedict XIV on the Beatification and Canonization of the Servants of God

Hergenröther, Joseph Adam G Anti-Janus: An Historico Theological Criticism of the Work, Entitled 'the Pope and the Council', by Janus, Tr. by J.B. Robertson, With an Intr. by ... of Gallicanism From the Reign of Louis XIV

XIV, Pope Benedict Benedicti Papae Xiv. Bullarium: In Quo Continentur Constitutiones, Epistolae, Aliaque Edita Ab Initio Pontificatus Usque Ad Annum Mdccxlvi.

Interpreting the Signs of the Times: Church and Secularity in the Theology of Joseph Ratzinger/Pope Benedict XVI

Pope, Catholic Church. Bullaire de l'Inquisition Française au XIVe Siècle et Jusqu'à la fin du Grand Schisme

XIV, Pope Clement Interesting Letters of Pope Clement XIV (Ganganelli): To Which Are Prefixed, Anecdotes of His Life; Volume 1