Erdinc, Yaren Dramen des Barock. Funktion des Gespenstermotivs in Andreas Gryphius "Cardenio und Celinde

Anonymous Cyclopedia of Textile Work: A General Reference Library on Cotton, Woollen and Worsted Yarn Manufacture, Weaving, Designing, Chemistry and Dyeing, Finishing, Knitting, and Allied Subjects; v.4 c.2

Hughes, W Kerfoot Piece Goods, Yarn and Woollen Tables, Showing the Net Returns in Sterling for Shipments Via the Suez Canal to China

Rocky Mounty Mills: Established 1818, Incorporated 1874 : 37756 Spinning Spindles, 17964 Twisting Spindles : Rocky Mount, N.C. : Spinners of High Grade Ply Yarns

Rasulov, H.Y. Investigation and optimisation of the yarn tension on open-end weaving mills: In the production of shirt fabrics

Cottonwood Yarns: Being Mostly Stories Told to Children About Some More or Less Wild Animals That Live at "The Cottonwoods" on the Elkhorn River in Nebraska

Baden-Powell, Robert Young Knights of the Empire; Their Code, and Further Scout Yarns: in large print

Lattafa Yara 50 ml Eau de Parfum för kvinnor – Sensuell förelse med blommig, fruktiga och träiga toner – lyxig doft för självsäkra kvinnor.

Pringle, George Charles Fraser Tillicums of the Trail: Being Klondike Yarns Told to Canadian Soldiers Overseas by a Sourdough Padre

Brown, William A Freshwater Yarn, by William Brown, Henry Jones and John Robinson, Ed. by Capt. Brown

Bourgeois-Vance, Denise Sophia and Alex Go on a Field Trip: Sofiya iyo Alex waxay u Baxayaan Socod Yar (4)