Henry, Ullyett Rambles of a Naturalist Round Folkestone: With Occasional Papers on the Fauna and Flora of the Dist

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Saint-Hilaire, Étienne Geoffroy Études Progressives D'un Naturaliste: Pendant Les Années 1834 Et 1835

Ober, Frederick Albion Camps in the Caribbees: The Adventures of a Naturalist in the Lesser Antilles
![Smith, Thomas The Naturalist's Cabinet: Containing Interesting Sketches of Animal History; Illustrative of the Natures, Dispositions, Manners, and Habits of all the ... [etc.] in the Known World, Regularly Arra: 4](https://r.kelkoo.com/resize.php?country=se&merchantId=100565793&categoryId=5101&trackingId=96964074&width=300&height=300&image=https%3A%2F%2Fm.media-amazon.com%2Fimages%2FI%2F41CyfKFHWKL._SL500_.jpg&sign=Lqh_zJlqGO2Zt5plPZToiSfQj5RbdD3V47Ajp4YpzKo-)
Smith, Thomas The Naturalist's Cabinet: Containing Interesting Sketches of Animal History; Illustrative of the Natures, Dispositions, Manners, and Habits of all the ... [etc.] in the Known World, Regularly Arra: 4

Anonymous Joseph Dombey, Médecin, Naturaliste, Archéologue, Explorateur Du Pérou, Du Chili Et Du Brésil (1778-1785).: Sa Vie, Son Œuvre, Sa Correspondance, Avec Un Choix De Pièces Relatives À Sa Mission ...

Anonymous Wanderings in New South Wales, Batavia, Pedir Coast, Singapore, and China: Being the Journal of a Naturalist in Those Countries During 1832, 1833, and 1834; Volume 1

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Salles, Isidore Histoire Naturelle Drolatique Et Philosophique Des Professeurs Du Jardin Des Plantes: Des Aide-Naturalistes, Préparateurs, Etc., Attachés À Cet ... D'épisodes Scientifiques Et Pittoresques

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White, Gilbert The Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne. With the Naturalist's Calendar and Miscellaneous Observations

Edwords, Clarence E. b. 1856 Camp-fires of a Naturalist: The Story of Fourteen Expeditions After North American Mammals : From The Field Notes of Lewis Lindsay Dyche